Chiropractic Techniques To Get Rid Of Upper Back And Neck Pain

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Chiropractic Techniques To Get Rid Of Upper Back And Neck Pain

9 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a job that requires long hours of sitting with your head and neck in one position, you may go home with neck pain and headaches. The pain is due to repeated stress on the muscles in your upper back and neck. A visit to your local chiropractor on your way home will reduce this muscle tension and get rid of the headaches. Here are some of the treatments used by your chiropractor to relieve you of the pain.

Non-Invasive Techniques to Relieve Muscle Tension

Your chiropractor will use several techniques to relax the muscles in your upper back and neck. These techniques relieve muscle stiffness and increase circulation. They also reduce any inflammation in your neck that might be causing headaches. All of these procedures are done as an outpatient procedure so you can continue home and enjoy a pain-free evening with your family.

Active Release Technique - The chiropractor feels along your upper back and neck for tense muscles and massages them in the direction they normally move. This stimulates circulation and causes the muscle fibers to relax. As the muscle relaxes, the tension on the nerves goes away, as does the pain caused by the tight muscles.

Myofascial Release Technique - Muscles can become so irritated that they contract into tight knots which the chiropractor can feel under the skin. These muscles can be the cause of spasms in your back and neck. When one of these muscle knots is detected, your doctor applies steady pressure on the muscle until it slowly relaxes. This stops the painful spasms and any nerve irritation causing your headaches.

Physical Therapy - While the previous techniques give you immediate pain relief, your chiropractor may recommend physical therapy with a company like South Shore Wellness Center to prevent future headaches and back pain. The physical therapist will put your shoulder, neck and back muscles through a series of range of motion exercises to loosen up any muscle tension. Then you will work on strengthening those muscles to be more resistant to the repetitive motion injuries at work. You'll work with the doctor or therapist in their office, and they will also give you exercises that you can do at home or work to prevent the upper back and neck pain.

Prevention of Repetitive Motion Tension and Pain

The chiropractor will have you describe your work situation and suggest ways that you can keep your neck and upper back muscles from becoming tense. These suggestions might include:

  • Doing warm up exercises on your back and neck prior to your work shift.
  • Taking breaks every half hour or so to stretch out your muscles.
  • Staying hydrated while at work to improve circulation and decrease inflammation in the muscles.
About Me
Understanding Better Back Habits

After lifting incorrectly for years, I could tell that it was really taking a toll on my back health. I couldn't sit straight up in bed without wincing in agony, and I decided that it might be in my best interest to talk with a chiropractor. I started meeting with a back doctor once or twice a month, and it really made a difference. My chiropractor helped to make adjustments that improved my back pain, and he also addressed different back health habits that might help things. After a few weeks, I could tell that things were getting better. Read this blog about ways that chiropractors can help you.