If your job involves heavy lifting, you have to be extra careful of your back's health. Click here for more information.

Find A Physical Therapist For Your Injuries & Conditions Today

23 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Physical therapy is commonly associated with injuries, but it is also used to address a wide variety of disabilities, conditions, and diseases. Physical therapy addresses restoring physical function and maintaining this function. Working with a licensed physical therapist provides a variety of benefits. Whether you have been referred to a physical therapist, or you want to see a therapist of your own volition, therapy can be a great tool. What Happens During a Physical Therapy Appointment? Read More …

3 Causes Of Back Pain And How A Chiropractor Can Help

3 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

According to recent statistics, about 65 million Americans experience back pain. About 16 million of these adults suffer with chronic back pain that limits their everyday activities include working, sleeping, and exercising. In most instances, back pain can be treated by a chiropractor. One of the first things that a chiropractor will do is find the root cause for back pain. Once the cause of pain is determined, the most effective form of treatment is provided. Read More …

About Me
Understanding Better Back Habits

After lifting incorrectly for years, I could tell that it was really taking a toll on my back health. I couldn't sit straight up in bed without wincing in agony, and I decided that it might be in my best interest to talk with a chiropractor. I started meeting with a back doctor once or twice a month, and it really made a difference. My chiropractor helped to make adjustments that improved my back pain, and he also addressed different back health habits that might help things. After a few weeks, I could tell that things were getting better. Read this blog about ways that chiropractors can help you.