5 Commonly Asked Questions About Rolfing

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5 Commonly Asked Questions About Rolfing

1 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Rolfing is a series of practices and movement education that aligns and balances the structure between bone and connective tissue. It is strongly similar to chiropractic practices, but they are not exactly alike. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will have a few questions that are commonly asked about Rolfing answered.

Do Practitioners Have To Be Certified?

Although practitioners do not legally have to be certified to practice Rolfing, it is highly recommended that you visit a practitioner who is certified. Rolfing is a process that involves intense education and cannot merely be learned at a workshop over a weekend. It is highly recommended that you visit The Rolf Institute website and view a list of certified Rolfers.

Who Should Consider Rolfing?

Many people who suffer from chronic pain turn to Rolfing in order to alleviate their issues, especially if they wish to rehabilitate from an injury. Still others find Rolfing to be a way to finely tune their body by adding flexibility and extended movement to their repertoire.

Is Rolfing Covered By Insurance?

Although this depends on your provider, Rolfing is often not covered by health insurance. Many times a provider will require a letter of medical necessity in order to provide you with Rolfing coverage. It is recommended that you speak with your physician in order to see if he or she will grant you one.

What Occurs During The First Rolfing Session?

First, a thorough intake session occurs. After the formal session begins, a licensed Rolfing therapist will judge your movement patterns while standing. A Rolfer will then ask you to lie down, and they will then perform slow, specific movements across your body in order to ease tension and begin realigning your body. It will often help if you breathe in and out deeply, slowly, and pointedly. Most Rolfing sessions usually end with some form of education. A therapist will explain to you how to perform certain Rolfing practices on yourself, while at home.

Is Rolfing Painful?

In a word: no. While you may feel a bit of discomfort at first, this is usually due to the fact that your muscles are simply not used to the range of motion and movement to which they are being committed. If you ever do feel any pain or extreme discomfort, inform your therapist immediately. He or she is committed to working at your speed.

Hopefully, this brief guide has served to answer just a few of the questions you might have had about the methods and processes of Rolfing. For more information, contact a company like The Healing Center.

About Me
Understanding Better Back Habits

After lifting incorrectly for years, I could tell that it was really taking a toll on my back health. I couldn't sit straight up in bed without wincing in agony, and I decided that it might be in my best interest to talk with a chiropractor. I started meeting with a back doctor once or twice a month, and it really made a difference. My chiropractor helped to make adjustments that improved my back pain, and he also addressed different back health habits that might help things. After a few weeks, I could tell that things were getting better. Read this blog about ways that chiropractors can help you.